We always heard it straight from the dentist. Fluoride is important for your health, and its fine to have some in your drinking water. While it may have been credited for lowering cavities and tooth decay, a new report is showing that too much fluoride can actually cause spots on kids’ teeth. The report, mentioned in an online article, also states that the federal government plans on reducing the recommended levels of fluoride in drinking water supplies after more than fifty years.
The article states that approximately “About 2 out of 5 adolescents have tooth streaking or spottiness because of too much fluoride, a surprising government study found recently.” Dentists have also noticed that in extreme cases, teeth are pitted by the mineral. The standard since 1962 has been a range of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the blotchy tooth condition, fluorosis, is common in kids ages 12 through 15. Furthermore, it appears to have grown much more common since the 1980s.
The government will also be releasing two other related studies by the EPA in regards to how people are exposed to fluoride and their health effects. Fluoride is a mineral that exists naturally in water and soil. The article states that “Today, most public drinking water supplies are fluoridated, especially in larger cities. Counting everyone, including those who live in rural areas, about 64 percent of Americans drink fluoridated water.”
While it may not be considered a nationwide health problem, and if some quantity does help fight cavities and protect eroding tooth decay, there may be other ways to get healthy drinking water for your family. When you need to eliminate the presence of minerals and contaminants in your water, one solution may be installing a water treatment system like reverse osmosis or using a water cooler for your drinking water. Reverse osmosis will filter your water, ensure natural and safe water, and produce a constant flow for any demands you may have. Look for a reverse osmosis system that has little to no water waste and keep your children’s health at their maximum potential.