14 April, 2019 (20:31) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Safety | By: admin
These days, we are all pretty familiar with the topic of drinking water contamination. We know that there are potential contaminants that could be dangerous for our health. We know we deserve better. Finally, the EPA agrees. In addition to what they already do, the EPA has declared a plan to regulate a set of harmful […]
Tags: drinking water, drinking water filters, drinking water system, drinking water systems, environment, Home Water Treatment, Reverse Osmosis, RO systems, safe drinking water, water contamination, water treatment
20 August, 2018 (08:30) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Safety | By: admin
August is National Water Quality Month, so it’s a prime time to think about where our drinking water comes from and whether or not it’s free from contamination. And, although designating months to causes like this to raise awareness is a great idea, it’s important to consider water quality all year long. How do we […]
Tags: drinking water, drinking water system, environment, Home Water Treatment, Reverse Osmosis, RO systems, water contamination, water filters Fullerton, water quality month, water treatment
31 May, 2018 (08:13) | Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Uncategorized, Water, Water Coolers, Water Softeners | By: admin
It doesn’t matter where we look these days – on a billboard, in the mail, or on television – we are constantly bombarded with messages to reduce waste, stop pollution, drink more water, and save the environment, among others. While some messages may play to current environmental trends, we really can do a lot to […]
Tags: drinking water, drinking water systems, eco-friendly, environment, Fullerton drinking water, Hard Water, Home Water Treatment, Reverse Osmosis, soft water delivery, water filter, water filters Fullerton, Water Softeners, water treatment
30 September, 2011 (11:44) | Drinking Water System, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin
Here’s an interesting thought… if you are not filtering your drinking water, your body is acting as a water filter. For most of us, we turn on the tap, knowing that our municipality has “treated” our water and that it is presumably safe. Typically, a glass of water looks good – no big chunks or […]
Tags: environment, semi-permeable, water filter
20 June, 2011 (14:34) | Drinking Water System | By: admin
According to one recycling website, Americans buy an estimated 28 billion water bottles each year. Their goal is to provide safe drinking water to their families without those unwanted, harmful tap water contaminants with easy accessibility. Good news for bottled water corporations, bad news for the environment. According to the site, only about 2 of […]
Tags: eco-friendly, environment, green
6 December, 2010 (10:15) | Water Softeners | By: admin
This year 16 states banned high levels of phosphates in household cleaners. Most of us likely never noticed the difference, except in our dishwashers. Many people started noticing a thick chalky substance on silverware, glasses, and even plastic containers. This meant an uptick in appliance repair service calls, complaints to municipal water suppliers, and even […]
Tags: detergent, dishwasher, environment, phosphates