Chances are, you haven’t had many restrictions put on the amount of water you have available to your household yet. However, there are some areas in Texas and neighboring areas that have started the discussion about putting permanent restrictions on drinking water as a way to conserve and make our water sources last a little bit longer. As our water flows from the tap, we don’t see it as running out, but experts know that consumer education and awareness is going to be a key part in making our water last longer than currently predicted.
The Earth may be known as “the blue planet,” and according to to, 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Yet, scientists and public officials predict a global water crisis within the next few decades. Worldwide, 2.7 billion people are currently affected by water shortages and, by 2025, and two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions. Water stressed conditions have limited supplies or water and limited quality of drinking water due to poor conditions at the sources. Both could have serious effects on the health of all of us.
Only 2.5 percent of the water on earth is theoretically drinkable and the vast majority of that freshwater is inaccessible, either deep below the earth’s surface or in glaciers and snowfields at the poles. As climate change shifts rainfall and drought patterns around the world, more and more people are living in water stressed conditions. The WorldWatch Institute stated something that really made my concerns increase; “some 20 percent of the increase in water scarcity in the coming decades will be caused by climate change … In poor countries, the consequences of climate change could be dire – erratic weather patterns have already been the primary cause of famine for millions around the world.”
We see some of those effects here in the United States already. Parts of our country have shrinking water sources, levels at their lowest point in history, and poor care for water from the tap which contains harmful contaminants. For example, in 2010 here in the U.S., industrial polluters dumped 226 million pounds of toxic chemicals into our waterways, and 80% of streams sampled in a national survey contained drugs, hormones, pesticides, and other chemicals. The Environmental Working Group published a study in 2009 which concluded that 252 million Americans were served by water systems that exceeded recommended safety guidelines for some contaminate at least once during the study period.
So what can we do to combat both limited water supplies and low quality water? We need to find an environmentally-responsible, yet conservational idea. Our best bet? A reverse osmosis drinking water filter or water cooler. Both will provide continuous flows of safe drinking water. We recommend you find a water filter that wastes the least amount of water, petroleum, and plastic. We don’t have anymore time or water supplies to spare. Without a reverse osmosis drinking water filter, your water quality is compromised and in addition to a limited supply, you have to worry about the health effects it may cause. To read more from the source of this blog, click here.