State and local water sources are usually tested on a regular basis. But as one Illinois community found out, their emergency water supplies might not be as safe as they had hoped. The mishap occurred due to dishonest communication and irregular water testing of secondary water sources. Both are actions that should never happen on behalf of community officials. According to this article in the Chicago Times, state and local officials were not communicating about which emergency water sources were being used, leading to less testing, greater cost savings, and a possibility of dangerous drinking water being distributed to residents.
According to the article, there is no way to determine if over 58 million people were being served contaminated drinking water through these emergency sources. As a result the federal government is now urging state and local officials to begin testing all drinking water sources more often and more rigorously.
But how often is enough for testing our drinking water sources? Some toxins enter after rainfall or snow. Others occur in the water sources and groundwater naturally over time. Not sure about your home’s drinking water? Many residents aren’t, and the chances of these miscommunications occurring in places other than Illinois are also pretty good. Take the safest route you can for your family’s drinking water is to purchasing a home water treatment system. Reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, tank exchange systems, and water coolers are great ways to keep your peace of mind. Maybe a home water system is the emergency water source each home should have instead of relying on your local drinking water supplies.