With the growing number of media reports about contamination or impurities in the drinking water through homes across America, many consumers are concerned. When residents ask for cleaner water they are reassured by being told the water satisfied the Safe Drinking Water Act. Unfortunately, the drinking water in 42 states contains 141 unregulated contaminants, according to the Environmental Working Group, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hasn’t established safety standards for. Knowing that the EPA has failed to establish enforceable health and monitoring standards has led many consumers to invest in their own solution. A recent article from The New Scientist might have you doing the same.
On June 7th the web publication released an article stating, a scientific study uncovered evidence suggesting a link between anti-depressants in drinking water and the triggering of autism. This new study, conducted by Michael Thomas of Idaho State University, found that even very low levels of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Zoloft, had considerable effects on the neurological development of fish. The fish in the experiment were exposed to the drugs for less than three weeks and Thomas found the same genes turned on in people with autism were being triggered in the fish. Thomas believes his findings could indicate that traces of psychiatric medicines found in our drinking water could be a cause for the rise of autism in humans. This study falls in line with previous research suggesting pregnant women who took SSRI’s were more likely to have autistic children. In addition, it supports research that found autism-like symptoms in rats exposed to the psychiatric medicines. Of course, this is only one of the many chemicals that we are being mass medicated with through our drinking water.
We provide Water Treatment Solutions to help keep your water clean and safe for your family. With a water filter or water purifying system , these chemicals can be removed from your home water supply. We use the latest technology to ensure your home is constantly supplied with safe drinking water, and our system wastes over 90% less water than a traditional RO . Contact us today, or to read more about this topic, click here