Lead is a great and abundant resource with many important uses including batteries and x-rays. However, its use in plumbing pipes has caused health concerns for decades. We need to avoid ingesting lead to avoid severe health consequences, yet too many households have lead in their drinking water.
Lead, a bluish-white lustrous metal, it is very soft, highly malleable, ductile, it is very resistant to corrosion but tarnishes upon exposure to air. Rarely is lead found in source water yet it is found regularly in high concentrations in our tap water. How did it get there? It is our water delivery system that introduces lead to our tap water. Homes built before the mid 80’s are more likely to contain problem plumbing. Lead pipes as well as solder used to join copper pipes, brass in faucets, coolers, and valves all contribute to elevated lead levels. Private Wells fitted with parts that contain lead also pose a threat.
Exposure to lead can cause increased blood pressure as well as anemia and damage to reproductive organs as well as significant damage to the nervous system. Exposure to high levels can severely damage the brain and kidneys and can ultimately lead to death. Children are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults. Even small amounts may cause severe stomachache, weakness, and possible brain damage. Low level exposure has been shown to affect mental and physical growth of children. Rather than question the quality of your water, and what it is doing to your body, a simple water test can put your mind at ease – whether the results indicate that your water is fine, or that you need to take action against a specific contaminant.
Obviously the ultimate fix is to remove the source of the lead if at all possible, which in many cases may mean replumbing the house or business. An easier and more economical option is to install a water treatment system such as a reverse osmosis drinking water system under the sink or in a convenient water cooler. Systems like these are designed to reduce pr remove contaminates so that you and your family have the highest quality and safest drinking water.