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Category: Impurities Found in Drinking Water

Anaheim, Brea, Yorba Linda – How’s YOUR Water?

2 January, 2013 (12:12) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Safety, Water Softeners | By: admin

Often, we hear about California’s water issues, or the Southwest’s water issues, but when was the last time you heard anything specific to your town or neighborhood? We often generalize water problems, but it’s not until they hit our own kitchen sink that we actually care enough to make a change, or even learn more […]

Drink More Water to Drop Holiday Pounds

14 December, 2012 (09:14) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water | By: admin

Between the cookies and cocktails, there’s a good chance that most people will pack on the pounds this holiday season. In fact, according to one health expert, North Americans will gain 2-3 pounds on average this holiday season alone. Drinking water is essential for weight loss, so this holiday season, drinking water may help you […]

Quality Assurance in the Water Treatment Industry

12 November, 2012 (08:04) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Safety | By: admin

When it comes to drinking water, most people agree that drinking an adequate amount of it is essential for good health.  But how do you know that your water is safe to drink and even when someone else says that it’s safe, how do you know that they are right?  Fortunately for the consumer, there […]

Better students starts with better drinking water

15 October, 2012 (13:36) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water | By: admin

Children’s bodies may be smaller than adults, but that doesn’t mean they need any less water. Water is in fact one of the most important nutrients for children. Often times when we read tips for nutrition for our children, they leave out important information about the intake of healthy fluids. According to medical experts, water […]

Even Before Your Shower…

1 October, 2012 (07:25) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

We all know that drinking water is vital to ensuring good health – including proper weight, reasonable blood pressure, and even cancer prevention to a degree – but did you know that the time of day that you drink your water affects how much benefit from it?  A recent infographic on the Life and Livingness blog shows some […]

The Many Threats to Drinking Water

27 September, 2012 (07:47) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Coolers, Water Safety | By: admin

Some we know about and others are more of a mystery – drinking water contaminants. There are too many to list, and too many factors to blame at once. While the United States may have some of the best drinking water in the world, we still have much room for improvement. While we know of […]

High Lead Levels Still Present

25 September, 2012 (07:52) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water Safety | By: admin

If you live in an older home and learned that there could be a chance it was increasing your exposure to lead in drinking water, would you up and move? Most people wouldn’t. But, many people would take the opportunity to find a product that would eliminate the exposure and risks to lead and provide […]

Could Fluoride Impact IQ?

10 August, 2012 (14:30) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Water | By: admin

Fluoride is added to US water supplies at approximately 1 part per million attempting to reduce tooth decay. Yet, the EPA says fluoride is a chemical “with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” So even with these known facts about fluoride, most municipalities are adding it to drinking water, making water filters necessary in many of […]

Odorless, Tasteless, Dangerous – That’s Lead!

28 July, 2012 (20:08) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Water, Water Safety | By: admin

Your goal? To provide your family with plenty of drinking water and to cook, clean, and bathe with water from the tap. Our goal? To help make this possible even with the potential contaminants that may be in your water. Lead is invisible, tasteless, and odorless, making it impossible to detect in water without testing. […]

Water Treatment Plants Overwhelmed

12 July, 2012 (18:06) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions | By: admin

Mostly everyone in the Denver area has been impacted by the Colorado wildfires that were raging for weeks. Everyone is overwhelmed with the combat, cleanup, and rebuilding that will take place. Homes, stores, and even the water treatment plants are overwhelmed with the effects of the wildfires. Some of the effects are more obvious than […]