Water in California

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Category: Impurities Found in Drinking Water

Protect Your Drinking Water

15 November, 2011 (21:43) | Drinking Water, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions | By: admin

Drinking water from our tap isn’t always safe and it seems more and more that there is more public awareness regarding the topic of what to do to protect yourself and your family from harmful contaminants in our drinking water. Consumers are constantly being introduced to products which will provide safe drinking water such as […]

The Dangers of Chlorine in Drinking Water

30 May, 2011 (18:42) | Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Water Safety | By: admin

Studies aren’t meant to scare people. They aren’t meant to affect businesses. They are meant to keep consumers safe and be sure that the products they are using or ingesting aren’t making them sick, especially when it comes to something as vital as drinking water. That is where the birth of some important studies on […]

Does your water contain uranium?

12 April, 2011 (17:45) | Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Water Safety | By: admin

Since the huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan we have all become ultra aware of what is in the air we breathe, what is in the food we eat, and now what is in the water we drink. Currently if people go to the grocery store to buy fish they are asking to see if […]

Water Plagued With Aluminum Poses Health Risks

5 March, 2011 (17:46) | Impurities Found in Drinking Water | By: admin

Studies show that drinking water is good for your health, but what many people fail to differentiate is that safe drinking water is good for your health. Tap water can be plagued by toxins, contaminants, and other minerals which could actually pose health risks when drunk in large quantities and for long periods of time. […]

Ever heard of the amoeba?

11 February, 2011 (15:56) | Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions | By: admin

Did you know that the amoeba that we all studied in middle school is being found in water supplies in the United States? Most people aren’t aware of this and most of us are too busy to wonder what might be in the water we are drinking – Too busy until we are sick, and […]

Are EPA Drinking Regulations Doing Enough to Keep Us Safe?

11 August, 2010 (05:03) | Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water Coolers | By: admin

Mother Nature Network (MNN) recently published an article online that reveals the Environmental Protection Agency’s concerns over harmful contaminants found in our drinking water across the country. Historically, the EPA had almost non-existent oversight of any drinking water limitations. But, after much research in recent decades and concern for health effects resulting from harmful pollutants […]

You Won’t Want to Choke This Down

10 July, 2010 (15:19) | Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Ok, so you have your new prescription drug from the doctor, or you have a headache and need some ibuprofen. You get your pills out and grab a glass of water to help you swallow it down. Either way, you know what you are taking and you know the effects it will have on your […]