Better students starts with better drinking water
Children’s bodies may be smaller than adults, but that doesn’t mean they need any less water. Water is in fact one of the most important nutrients for children. Often times when we read tips for nutrition for our children, they leave out important information about the intake of healthy fluids. According to medical experts, water not only keeps children healthy, but also will help them perform better in school. Dehydration leads to a reduction in both mental and physical performance. This can be show results in the classroom. “Long-term chronic dehydration may cause health problems and illnesses.” But most schools do not have water filters, so the water could potentially have the same contaminants that public drinking water systems have.
Because many schools have inadequate water resources, parents and teachers should regularly encourage children to drink water at home, and even bring their own to school. Children should especially drink water after taking part in sports, such as in gym class. As one article from ENews Park Forest explains, schools in Oregon found themselves in a less-than-ideal situation when it came to their drinking water. A study found that several schools had pesticides (quite a few pesticides actually) in the drinking water that children were consuming. According to the article, “children face unique hazards from pesticide exposure. They take in more pesticides relative to their body weight than adults in the food they eat and air they breathe. Their developing organ systems often make them more sensitive to toxic exposure.” Likewise, “In addition to the harmful effects that these chemicals have on children, the combination of these chemicals can be more detrimental then each chemical individually”
Children’s health and pesticides just don’t mix. They don’t work together and they certainly do not produce the results which every educator, administrator, or parent hopes for. The importance of water alone is enough to realize that the water your child is drinking needs to be safe and pure. Our drinking water systems reduce harmful contaminants while staying eco-friendly and affordable. This means all households have the ability to supply safe drinking water at home and send this same water with their children throughout the school day. The more safe water children drink, the better they tend to do academically and physically. Schools don’t have the resources to filter all of the water that they supply your children, but with our drinking water systems, you can.