Money Smart Week is all about encouraging consumers to make the best decisions on important products they need to sustain their life for the best price. Saving money is important to all of us who need to be money smart all year long, not just April 20-27. Our drinking water systems can provide pure, quality drinking water without the cost associated with bottled water or the dangers of unfiltered tap water. Finding the happy medium between safe water and tap water is why we do what we do. Our goal is to provide safe drinking water that is affordable without the hassle of plastic water bottles or drinking water contamination through the lease or purchase of our water filters.
Tap water in our nation is some of the best in the world. Yet, as with anything, it just is not perfect. Most homeowners who are somewhat informed about the dangers of unfiltered tap water have made a decision to drink bottled water instead. This is not only an irresponsible decision for your bank account, but it also has a direct negative impact on our environment. The bottled water industry pushes their products onto households all over the country, using terms like “pure” and “from nature” to increase sales. The truth is that bottled water may not even be any safer than tap water in the first place. It is certainly much more expensive too.
In some parts of the country, chemical fertilizers, animal wastes, pesticides and other substances have infiltrated aquifers, seeping into the groundwater and eventually into the tap. That may be a reason to not drink straight from the tap, but should not be the reason to drink bottled water. Bottled water is not the money smart choice. If you wanted to fill up a car’s 15-gallon tank with gasoline, it would cost you about $45. If you wanted to fill up that same 15-gallon tank with bottled water, it would cost you $150. At the same time, tap water costs a fraction of the price of bottled water. The same $2 you spend on a liter of bottled water will get you about 1,000 gallons of tap water.
To make the money smart decision means contacting our company about our drinking water solutions. For less than the cost of the average household’s bottled water expenses, you can lease or purchase a water filter to improve the quality of your tap water. Our drinking water systems effectively remove chemicals and contaminants from tap water and will provide your family with the safe, pure drinking water they deserve. You no longer need to believe that bottled water is the best or only choice you have to protect your family from tap water contamination. Make the money smart choice and choose a drinking water system to defend your home. After all, sometimes the most responsible decisions you make for your home are based on money.