5 Reasons to Drink More Water During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, life gets hectic. We know. And, as life gets busy, we may forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Dehydration is damaging to your overall health and mental focus … not a good combination for any time but especially the holidays!
Why Should You Drink More Water During the Holidays?
Let’s take a look at 5 reasons why you should stay hydrated and drink more water during the holidays.
- Beat Exhaustion- The holidays are exhausting. Organizing events, making large meals, and getting presents together can take a toll on our body, physically and mentally. One of the best things you can do to recharge your body is drink a glass of water. Health professionals suggest 8 glasses a day in order to be more alert and rest better.
- Healthy Skin- What does every family do when they get together? Take photos! Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure you will look your best. Water hydrates your skin cells which makes your skin look tauter and less dry.
- Knock Hangovers- Did you know drinking alcohol actually dehydrates you? Don’t get caught in a holiday hangover … try drinking a glass of water with each alcoholic drink you consume.
- Skip the Holiday Sniffles- When you’re hydrated, your mucus membranes function better and actually block little germs from getting into your nose and throat. How cool is that? So, listen to your doctor when he or she says to drink plenty of fluids!
- Hunger Control- We tend to gorge ourselves during the holidays. If you are concerned about gaining a few extra pounds this holiday season, try drinking more water. Water helps to delay the feeling of hunger and helps give our metabolism a boost!
Great Tasting Water At Your Fingertips Every Day
The best way to feel healthier and energized during the holidays is to stay hydrated. One way to energize is with a water cooler. At Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton, we offer residential and commercial water coolers … the perfect way to get hot and cold drinking water at the touch of your finger.
We also offer reverse osmosis drinking water systems. There has never been a more convenient, cost-effective way to get safe, great tasting water. Invest in your own drinking water now … contact us today!