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Soft Water Exchange Tank Service: An Eco-Friendly Water Treatment Option

18 September, 2024 (08:32) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Soft Water Exchange Tank Service As An Eco Friendly Option For Soft Water

When it comes to water treatment, many modern homeowners are looking for options that meet their family’s needs but also minimize their environmental footprint. That’s exactly why we offer soft water exchange tank service – the eco-friendly and sustainable solution to your hard water problems!

Here, we’ll explain what soft water exchange tank service is. Then, we’ll show you how this option may be preferred over traditional salt-based water softeners for homeowners concerned about sustainability.

What is Soft Water Exchange Tank Service?

First, it’s important to understand that you may also hear this service referred to as soft water delivery or portable exchange tank service – different terms but they mean the same thing! Soft water exchange tank service involves the delivery of pre-softened water to your home in tanks that are routinely exchanged when depleted. You and your water treatment company determine the delivery schedule based upon your household’s water usage and budget. The tanks are maintained and regenerated at another facility, not your home, and require no drain, salt, or electricity to run.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the environmental benefits that make this service a greener alternative to your average residential water softener.

4 Reasons Why Soft Water Exchange Tank Service is an Eco-Friendly Water Treatment Option

1. Reduced Salt Usage

With traditional salt-based water softeners, regular salt refills are required for water softener operation. When the softener goes through its regeneration process, salty water is discharged into the sewer or septic system. Over time, salt can make its way into groundwater sources and affect soil quality. In addition, excessive salt can impact aquatic life and have negative effects on sensitive ecosystems.

With soft water exchange tank service, the regeneration process happens at an off-site facility, one that’s specifically designed for efficiency. The result is less overall salt usage and less environmental impact from salt discharge.

2. Less Water Waste

Depending on the model, traditional water softeners can use anywhere from 35 to 65 gallons of water per regeneration cycle. This adds up over time and can contribute to significant water consumption, a concern for areas where water conservation is necessary.

In contrast, regeneration of soft water delivery tanks at an off-site facility is much more efficient. This helps minimize water waste and supports local water conservation efforts.

3. Lower Energy Usage

Traditional water softeners require electricity for the regeneration cycle. This can increase your home’s overall energy usage and expenses. Portable exchange tanks don’t require electricity in the same way, however. No regeneration process is completed at your home, so you can enjoy lower energy usage with soft water delivery vs. a traditional softener. Overall energy usage is reduced as well, since the facilities where the tanks ARE regenerated are much more energy-efficient.

4. Less Maintenance, More Sustainability

One of the underrated environmental benefits of soft water exchange tank service is reduced maintenance needs. Traditional systems require regular maintenance and repairs, leading to the disposal of parts and the use of additional resources. Exchange tanks are maintained at the service provider’s facility, which is better equipped to handle upkeep with minimal waste.

By reducing the amount of physical maintenance and repair parts needed, you contribute to a lower waste footprint overall.

Switch to Soft Water Exchange Tank Service with Pacific Coast Water Systems

If you’re searching for a water treatment option that aligns with your eco-conscious values, soft water exchange tank service is a fantastic alternative! Not only does it provide the same high-quality soft water as traditional systems, but it does so with far less salt, water waste, and energy use. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the benefits of soft water without sacrificing sustainability.

At Pacific Coast Water Systems, we offer soft water delivery service throughout the Anaheim area. Our service area includes Yorba Linda, La Mirada, Hacienda Heights, Santa Fe Springs, and more.

Simply contact us today to learn more or to sign up for service. An environmentally friendly soft water solution for your household is just a phone call away!

Does Your Business Need a Commercial Reverse Osmosis System?

24 June, 2024 (09:38) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Commercial Reverse Osmosis System Benefits

Water quality is a crucial factor for many businesses, impacting everything from product quality to equipment longevity and overall operational efficiency. One solution that has gained significant attention is the commercial reverse osmosis (RO) system. But does your business need one?

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits, applications, and considerations to help you decide if a commercial RO system is right for your business.

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

Using a semi-permeable membrane, reverse osmosis systems filter out contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and other molecules. The end result is high-purity water that can be used for a variety of purposes. Most commonly, however, RO systems are used to purify drinking water.

5 Key Benefits of a Commercial Reverse Osmosis System

1. High-Quality Water

Commercial reverse osmosis systems provide high-quality water by removing up to 99% of contaminants. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on pure water for their operations. These include food and beverage manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and businesses engaged in electronics production.

2. Cost Savings

The initial investment in a commercial reverse osmosis system can be substantial. However, the long-term cost savings are significant and the benefits typically outweigh any disadvantages. By providing pure water, these systems reduce the need for expensive bottled water. They also lower the repair, maintenance, and replacement costs associated with machinery damaged by scaling or corrosion.

3. Improved Product Quality

For many businesses, water quality directly affects the quality of the goods or products they produce. This is especially true for food, beverage, electronics, and pharmaceutical industries. Using RO water for everyday processes guarantees that the products produced are contaminant-free.

4. Environmental Benefits

By producing high-quality water on-site, businesses that use a commercial reverse osmosis system can reduce their reliance on bottled water. This helps to decrease plastic waste as well as the carbon footprint associated with its transportation and disposal.

5. Enhanced Equipment Longevity

Commercial reverse osmosis systems remove minerals and other contaminants that could accumulate inside equipment. Without mineral buildup that could cause scaling, corrosion, and breakdowns, equipment often lasts longer and requires fewer repairs. This can help companies save a significant amount of money in terms of machinery repairs, maintenance, and replacement.

Common Applications of Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems

1. Food and Beverage Industry

In the food and beverage industry, water purity is crucial for maintaining product taste and safety. RO systems ensure that the water used in production processes is free from contaminants.

2. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical manufacturing and healthcare facilities require ultra-pure water to prevent contamination in medications and laboratory procedures. Commercial reverse osmosis systems meet these stringent water quality standards.

3. Electronics Manufacturing

Electronics manufacturing requires high-purity water for rinsing and cleaning components. RO water prevents mineral deposits that could affect the performance of electronic devices.

4. Hospitality Industries and Restaurants

Restaurants, hotels, and cafes benefit from RO systems by improving the taste of water and beverages, ensuring the quality of ice, and enhancing the longevity of kitchen equipment.

What Should Your Business Consider Before Installing a Commercial Reverse Osmosis System?

As you work through the decision making process, there are some important things for your business to consider:

  • Initial Cost: Commercial reverse osmosis systems involve an initial investment for purchase and installation. However, the long-term savings and benefits often justify this expense.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Just like any other appliance or piece of equipment, routine maintenance is essential for the efficiency and performance of a reverse osmosis system. Some maintenance procedures may be completed by in-house staff members but others may require the expertise of a water treatment professional.
  • Water Waste: Commercial reverse osmosis systems produce some wastewater. It’s important to consider how this will be managed and whether it can be reused or recycled within your facility. This is especially important in areas like California where water usage is often heavily regulated and restricted.
  • Water Pressure and Quality: RO systems require adequate water pressure and pre-treatment if the incoming water has high levels of certain contaminants. A water quality test is essential. This will help you gain a greater understanding of your water’s current condition and the amount of contaminants that will need to be removed.

Affordable and Effective Commercial RO Systems in Anaheim, CA

A commercial reverse osmosis system can be a valuable asset for businesses that prioritize water quality. From improving product quality to enhancing equipment longevity and achieving cost savings, the benefits are substantial. However, it’s important to weigh the initial investment, maintenance requirements, and water waste management before making a decision.

At Pacific Coast Water Systems, we know how important a reliable source of quality water is for many businesses. That’s why we have experienced technicians on staff who can install and maintain your RO system as well as provide 24-hr emergency service. In addition, our commercial water treatment options go beyond reverse osmosis systems. We also offer water softeners, portable exchange tank service, and drinking water coolers to businesses in Anaheim, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Villa Park, and surrounding areas.

Contact us today to find the best water treatment solution for YOUR business!

Frequently Asked Questions About Water Softeners: Answers to Your Hard Water Problems

31 May, 2024 (07:25) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

Frequently Asked Questions About Water Softeners

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), approximately 85% of American households have hard water. With hard water being so prevalent throughout the United States, it’s no surprise that water softeners can be a valuable addition to many homes. Understanding water softeners and how they work, as well as the different options available, can sometimes be confusing, however. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions about water softeners.

We’ve also provided clear answers to each question so you’ll gain a better understanding of the benefits of soft water systems and how they function. Then, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed water treatment decision for your own household!

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Water Softeners

1. What is a water softener and how does it work?

A water softener is an appliance that removes minerals from hard water through a process called ion exchange. Hard water is typically characterized by excess levels of calcium and magnesium. As hard water passes through a water softener, these minerals are left behind on resin beads and replaced by sodium or potassium ions. The end result is ‘soft water’, or water without a high mineral content.

2. How do I know if I have hard water?

Many people don’t have to guess whether they have hard water or not – the signs are everywhere! The most obvious signs include frequent plumbing issues (i.e. clogged pipes), mineral buildup on fixtures, and water spots on dishes and silverware. Less obvious signs of hard water include things like dry, itchy skin or dull hair. These are things that many people attribute to other factors instead of realizing hard water is to blame.

What’s the best way to learn if you have hard water? Get your water tested! Many communities have professional laboratories that can do water testing. Or, your local water treatment company can help. Knowing more about your home’s water quality is the first step to managing it effectively.

3. What are the benefits of using a water softener?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions about water softeners because people want to know if investing in a water softener is worth the cost. The short answer is YES!

Some of the key benefits of using a water softener include:

  • Softer, smoother skin and hair
  • Reduced scale buildup on pipes and appliances
  • Extended lifespan of household appliances like water heaters and dishwashers
  • Improved efficiency of soaps and detergents
  • Cleaner dishes, laundry, and surfaces

These benefits can make everyday life easier but can also save you a significant amount of money over time!

4. Do I need a water softener if I have a filtration system?

Water filtration systems can remove contaminants like chlorine, sediment, and bacteria. This is great for your health but they do not address the issue of hardness caused by minerals. If you have hard water, a water softener is recommended. That’s because it will effectively remove calcium and magnesium ions and prevent the negative effects associated with hard water.

5. How often is water softener maintenance required?

Regular, routine maintenance is very important to your water softener’s function and efficiency. It can also help your system last longer. You may be able to complete some maintenance tasks on your own, such as adding salt to the brine tank. Other tasks require the assistance of a water treatment professional.

Regardless of who completes the maintenance, it’s best to follow the recommendations described by your water softener’s manufacturer. Frequency and type of maintenance can vary based on the model as well as your household’s water usage.

6. Is soft water safe to use for drinking and bathing?

Yes, soft water is considered safe for drinking, bathing, and other household tasks. That’s because the ion exchange process completed inside your soft water system simply removes minerals without adding harmful contaminants.

People on sodium-restricted diets may be concerned about additional salt intake from using a traditional salt-based water softener. If this describes your situation, you can consult with a healthcare professional who is familiar with your health. There are also salt-free water softening methods available that can help alleviate your concerns.

7. Can I install a water softener myself, or do I need professional help?

Some handy homeowners may choose to install a water softener themselves. However, professional installation is often recommended to ensure proper placement, sizing, and connection to plumbing systems. Additionally, professional installers can provide guidance on selecting the right type of water softener for your specific needs and water quality concerns.

Get Answers to YOUR Questions About Water Softeners From the Water Treatment Experts in Anaheim

The questions listed above are just SOME of the most frequently asked questions about water softeners that we hear on a regular basis. While these questions do cover a lot of material, you’re sure to have your own questions that need to be answered. But don’t worry … our water treatment experts are here to help!

At Pacific Coast Water Systems, we’re committed to helping homeowners in and around Anaheim find the best solution for their water treatment needs. Whether you’re looking for a drinking water system, water softener, or whole house filtration system, we have you covered! Simply contact us today and we’ll help you explore the options available so you can make an informed decision for your own household.

4 Health Benefits of Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water

22 December, 2023 (10:42) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Uncategorized | By: admin

Health benefits of drinking reverse osmosis water

From aiding in digestion and flushing out toxins to weight management and more, drinking water has long been touted for providing numerous health benefits. But how exactly do you drink more water when it has a funny smell or unpleasant taste? Our solution is to start drinking reverse osmosis water! 

Reverse osmosis (RO) filtration systems purify water by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane. This removes impurities and can lead to great-tasting water that’s also safer to drink. In addition to taste, drinking water filtered through an RO system can provide some exceptional health benefits.

4 Reasons Why Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water Is Good For Your Health

1. Enjoy fewer water contaminants with RO drinking water.

Sadly, many tap water sources throughout the U.S. contain contaminants that are harmful to human health. Since these contaminants often can’t be seen, tasted, or smelled, many people think their drinking water is safe when in fact, it’s not. This is easily illustrated by looking at water contamination stories that pop up in news reports almost weekly.

When drinking reverse osmosis water, however, you can be assured that the water is safe and nearly contaminant-free. That’s because RO systems are typically effective at removing over 95% of contaminants.

2. Drinking reverse osmosis water often leads to less chance for disease.

In addition to removing contaminants like heavy metals and minerals, RO systems reduce your exposure to chemicals, microbes, and other disease-causing contaminants. Having a reverse osmosis system already installed at your tap also gives added protection when natural disasters or other events contaminate your local water supply.

3. Experience better tasting food and beverages made with RO water.

Some contaminants, such as chlorine, do affect drinking water taste. If you then use this water to steam vegetables, make soups, brew coffee, or prepare other foods and beverages, the unpleasant taste can permeate everything.

In contrast, drinking water filtered through a reverse osmosis system has a clean, fresh taste with every drop. You may find that your water-containing beverages taste better, too. Plus, great-tasting drinking water is the perfect solution for upping your water intake to benefit your health!

4. Protect your health AND save the environment with reverse osmosis drinking water.

When great-tasting water isn’t available right at the tap, many people turn to bottled water for taste and convenience. Unfortunately, this is a habit that’s not good for you OR the environment.

Recent studies have shown that additives like BPA and phthalates can make their way into water stored in plastic bottles. This is especially true the longer the water sits in the bottle or if it’s exposed to heat. In addition, many bottled water drinkers fail to recycle bottles when they’re done. This leads to a significant amount of plastic sitting in landfills that takes hundreds of years to decompose.

What’s the solution? Get an endless supply of safe, great-tasting water right from your tap with a reverse osmosis system. Top off refillable water bottles while protecting your health and the environment at the same time. And, although a drinking water system costs more up front, it’ll actually save you money in the long run vs. buying bottled water.

Make Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water a Daily Occurrence With a Pacific Coast RO Water System

At Pacific Coast Water Systems, we are committed to providing high quality water treatment products to the people of Orange County and Los Angeles County. Our products can be found in homes and businesses in Fullerton, Yorba Linda, Buena Park, Tustin, Huntington Beach, and surrounding areas.

Our eco-friendly reverse osmosis drinking water systems help protect your family’s health while simultaneously keeping plastic water bottles out of landfills. We also offer environmentally-friendly water softeners and portable exchange tank service for soft water delivery. 

Simply give us a call and one of our water treatment experts will be happy to work with you to find the best water treatment system for YOUR home or business!

The Difference Between DI Water and Distilled Water

4 December, 2023 (15:37) | Impurity Solutions, Uncategorized, Water | By: admin

Understanding the difference between DI water and distilled water

As you begin looking into various water treatment systems for your business, you will learn the names of different water treatment products that are available for lease or purchase, as well as the type of water they produce. For example, have you heard of deionized water or DI water? How about distilled water? You may be wondering what the difference is and we have the answers for you! Knowing the difference between these two water types is important because confusing the two can lead to some complications for your business or production. 

How do distilled water and DI water compare?

Simply defined, distilled water is water that is boiled into a vapor. That vapor is then condensed back into a liquid inside a different container. This process results in purified water since some impurities do not actually boil and are left behind in the first container. 

With deionized water, frequently referred to as DI water, a significant portion of the mineral ions are removed through an ion-exchange chemical process. 

It is also important to mention that:

  • It is safe to drink DI water and distilled water.
  • Deionized water is the purest form of water since almost all of its ions are removed.
  • With its ions intact, distilled water conducts electricity. In contrast, deionized water does not.

When choosing the best water treatment system for your commercial setting, working with water treatment professionals is essential. That’s because if you select and use the wrong system for your specific application, you could harm production, wasting time and money for your business.

As a trusted and established water treatment company in Fullerton, we want to help you find the right water treatment solution for your business, big or small. For manufacturing operations, this is key to your success and we will walk you through everything step by step.

What types of industries and applications use deionized water? 

To know if your business could be helped by deionized water, check out the list below of industries that use DI water. You might be surprised at how many different types of companies require pure water for their everyday operations and production!

Besides manufacturing and chemical processing, industries that use DI water include but are not limited to:

  • Aerospace Component Manufacturing
  • Automotive Industry
  • Beverage Manufacturing
  • Biochemistry
  • Car Washes
  • Certain Fire Extinguishers
  • Circuit Board Manufacturing
  • Cosmetics
  • Electrical
  • Film Processing
  • Liquid Detergents
  • Pharmaceuticals 
  • Printing Processes 
  • Window Washing 

… and many more!

DI Water Service From Pacific Coast Water Systems

If any of the industries above describe your own business, now is the time to give us a call and find out how and why you will benefit from deionized water. When it comes to water purification, the advancements in technology have really become more efficient and more effective. This means a better outcome for your production processes and a commitment to sustainability.

Contact us today to learn more about our Portable Exchange DI Water Service and deionized water solutions for commercial settings. We’ll custom-fit your deionization process to meet your needs, potentially saving you time and money!

Does Your Home Need a Water Softener?

23 October, 2023 (12:16) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

How to tell if your home needs a water softener

If you’re living with it, and millions of households in the United States are, you probably already know the signs of hard water. Water stains on glassware and fixtures, dull hair and dry skin, appliances that need to be prematurely replaced – these are just a FEW of the symptoms of hard water! If you’re dealing with this and more, then your home may need a water softener, and you’ll wonder why you waited so long to get one.

What is hard water?

Hard water is water that has high mineral content. Groundwater absorbs this mineral content from rocks and soil.  The most common hard water minerals are calcium and magnesium – they make soap less effective, but they also create a limescale buildup. 

Is hard water dangerous?

No, hard water doesn’t pose any health risks, but it significantly affects day-to-day life in your household. Dishes look like they were never cleaned due to a dotted haze left behind. Clothes that were just laundered feel like sandpaper. And, your shower or sink fixtures may have a white, chalky film on them.

Maybe worse is the limescale buildup we were just referring to. When it occurs within your pipes, it reduces water pressure and water flow, negatively impacting the efficiency and lifespan of any water-using appliances. Your energy bills go up and so do your appliance repair bills or appliance replacement costs! 

Your home might need a water softener if:

  • Your clothing easily fades.
  • You notice dry hair and skin – and those with conditions like psoriasis or eczema will see an increase in outbreaks.
  • Your sinks and bathtubs are stained.
  • You notice a rise in your water bills.
  • You buy more soaps and detergents just to get your body, hair or clothing to feel or look clean.

Get the best water softener for your home with Pacific Coast Water Systems

If your home needs a water softener, we have solutions for you! Our home water softeners work to remove hard water minerals and leave you with softened water that is going to change the way you take care of your household on a daily basis. Available for lease or purchase, our products will have you seeing an immediate change in your water!

When you buy any Pacific Coast Water System, you’re adding equity to your home. Or, when you get soft water delivery for a low monthly fee, we take care of everything – you get all the benefits of soft water without having to lift a finger!

The investment is worth every penny – and we will work with you every step of the way to help determine your household water needs and which soft water system is right for you!

For over 60 years, our business has been helping people get the high quality water they need and deserve. Are you next? Contact us today to learn more!

How to Get Rid of Hard Water Smell

21 September, 2023 (06:30) | Hard Water, Hard Water Solutions, Water Softeners | By: admin

How to get rid of hard water smell

Normally, we hear hard water and think of the scale and buildup it causes on our showerheads, sinks, dishes and fixtures. However, have you been dealing with a certain smell coming from your tap water, too? Mold, chemicals, minerals, and other factors can leave an unpleasant odor in tap water but in many cases, hard water is to blame! 

What does hard water smell like?

Hard water often has a unique smell, coming across as quite unpleasant actually. Hard water comes from bedrock that is made of sedimentary rocks like sandstone, limestone, and so on. Most commonly, you hear us talk about the minerals magnesium and calcium that cause water to be considered ‘hard’. 

Based on what your water contains, the smell can vary. It usually has high iron content if you smell metal. If it smells like rotten eggs, the water probably has hydrogen sulfide gas or magnesium reacting with bacteria to form sulfates. And that smell, you’ll know!

Hard water can also sometimes smell and taste like dirt. This can be due to old pipes, algae, sediment in your tap water or even soil. There are many factors and variables here. 

Can clothing start to smell because of hard water, too?

You may notice that your clothing has a weird smell over time. While this isn’t the hard water itself, it is because washing your clothes is difficult. You see, hard water minerals clog your fabrics and also build up inside the washer over time. This makes it more difficult for water to pass through the machine, so it ends up with soap buildup – and grime and dirt collect in the drum and seal rubber. Washing with baking soda or vinegar usually helps. 

How can you eliminate hard water smell?

Our water treatment company has many options for helping you to treat hard water and also improve the quality of your drinking water. Hard water is one of the most popular issues our customers come with – so we have many soft water solutions for you! 

A water softener will remove minerals through an ion exchange process. With an in-home softener for lease or purchase, or soft water delivery, you’ll have access to softened water when and where you need it.

When you choose the right water softener for your home, you’ll enjoy water that tastes AND smells better. Simply give us a call today to learn more from our water treatment experts! 

Water Quality Month: Do You Know How to Protect Your Water?

17 August, 2023 (06:31) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

Celebrate National Water Quality Month by learning how to protect your water at home

If there is one thing that Water Quality Month reminds us every August, it is that we MUST take care of our water, conserve our water and do everything we can to protect our water. Drinking water contamination is not always in our control and there are many reasons why the quality of our drinking water is contaminated. But, how we handle the situation matters. 

The question now is, are you doing enough to protect your home’s tap water? Is there more you could be doing? If you do not currently have a home drinking water system, the answer is yes, there is more you can do!

What is National Water Quality Month all about?

National Water Quality Month aims at raising awareness of the importance of our fresh water and how important having clean, safe water is to our health, agricultural needs and a better environment. We should take time to consider all of this, our own drinking water needs, and the needs of other ecosystems that rely on water as much as humans do – clean water, that is. 

Common Causes of Water Contamination

There are thousands of factors that can have a negative impact on the quality of local water sources. If you read our blogs or follow us on social media, you have probably seen many of the sources of water contamination.  

Germs and chemicals can get in drinking water at the water’s source or in the distribution system after the water has already been treated. Common contamination sources include:

  • Industrial pollution and manufacturing operations
  • Agricultural runoff
  • Chemicals
  • Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals applied to land near water sources
  • Sewer overflows
  • Stormwater
  • Wildlife 
  • Minerals in rocks and soil
  • Old, cracked pipes or other problems in the water distribution system
  • Ineffective and aging water treatment infrastructure

How to Protect Your Home’s Drinking Water From Contaminants

There is a limited amount of sources where we can get our water from, so finding ways to protect our tap water is vital. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and the local water utility companies all play a part in making sure that the water that comes from our taps is always safe for use, we also need to protect our own home. You can achieve this with a home drinking water system like reverse osmosis. 

Reverse osmosis systems offer in-home protection and improvements through a technology that removes a very large majority of drinking water contaminants by pushing your water under pressure through a semipermeable membrane. Up to 98% of total dissolved solids, including harmful chemicals, are removed. 

How should we celebrate Water Quality Month?

There is still time to participate in National Water Quality Month and make more efforts to keep our waters clean! Simply start with being more mindful of the possible effects that your daily activities could have on the environment. Learn more about where your water comes from. Try to include some of these activities, too:

  • Organize stream cleanups
  • Plant trees to prevent erosion
  • Monitor your local water quality 
  • Adopt a watershed
  • Start a monthly beach cleaning club
  • Conserve water when you can more often
  • Invest in a home drinking water system to improve the quality of the tap water your household consumes

We are here to help you with any of your home water treatment needs. Just give us a call today!

Microplastics In California Drinking Water On the Agenda

7 November, 2022 (12:47) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Impurity Solutions, Reverse Osmosis | By: admin

California is about to embark on a new mission – removing microplastics in drinking water. While we applaud the efforts, we know that these things take time. But the truth is, homeowners need protection now, particularly those who currently do not have access to high-quality, filtered drinking water.

While there is currently no standard method of testing, California is going to begin to help residents with the threat of microplastics in drinking water, something we aim to do, too! There is currently not enough data or testing to be able to tell how high the levels are, or all the health effects associated with microplastics in drinking water. What we do know, though, is that the smallest nanometer scale particles can migrate through the intestinal wall and travel to the lymph nodes and other bodily organs. The situation is serious enough to cause concern and action!

What are microplastics?

There are pieces of plastic, smaller than an ant, that can be seen only with a microscope. It is these microplastics that are contaminating wildlife and humans through food, air and of course – water. Plastic waste in the ocean (like more than 8 million tons annually) takes hundreds to thousands of years to decompose. It seems nearly impossible to solve this issue completely, so the state of California has decided to be proactive, rather than reactive to a growing problem.

The next steps for removing microplastics in drinking water

Being precautionary means early action like researching microplastics and their severity or quantity found in our tap water. A standardized test is still needed, too. Once the preliminary data has been acquired and analyzed, more action can take place.

In the meantime, your next steps can be to invest in a water treatment system that will improve the quality of drinking water from your tap, removing all types of drinking water contaminants that are known or unknown. Microplastics have been found in both tap water and bottled water, so choosing bottled water isn’t a safe solution.

It’s not worth waiting for someone else to take action. A phone call with one of our water treatment experts can help you select the perfect drinking water system for the demands and needs of your household. It can also leave you feeling confident that your drinking water is as safe and pure as it should be. 

The truth is, 94% of water samples from the United States contained microplastics – yours doesn’t have to be part of that statistic. If you live in Fullerton, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Anaheim, Brea, Garden Grove, Norwalk, La Mirada, Santa Fe Springs, Buena Park, or any of the surrounding cities and towns, contact us today to find the best water treatment solution for your home!

Lead In Drinking Water a Major Cause For Concern

20 October, 2022 (10:57) | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water | By: admin

Lead in drinking water is a major cause for concern

Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is October 23 – 29, 2022. Here at Pacific Coast Water Systems of Fullerton, we want to advocate for safe drinking water, especially when it comes to preventing lead contamination.

Each year, National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) brings together individuals, organizations, industries, and state and local governments to increase lead poisoning awareness. The main goal is to reduce childhood lead exposure. Our contribution is to make sure you know the dangers of lead in drinking water and the benefits of a home drinking water system to filter out potential contaminants.

What are the dangers of lead in drinking water?

The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes, faucets and plumbing fixtures. Certain pipes that carry this drinking water from the water source into the tap of your home could contain lead. Was your house built before 1986? Household plumbing fixtures, solder and fittings on pipes from prior to then may also contain lead. 

According to medical experts, lead in drinking water can cause serious health problems when you consume too much. In children, it can have serious effects even without consuming extreme amounts. Lead exposure can cause brain and kidney damage and also interfere with how your body produces red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body.

Who is most at risk for lead poisoning?

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week wants to keep children safer. Since no safe blood level has been found for lead in young kids, ALL sources of lead exposure need to be reduced, controlled or eliminated altogether. This is something that our reverse osmosis drinking water systems can do. Even low lead exposure levels can impact human health. After all, lead is a toxic metal!

How can you protect your family from lead in drinking water and in your tap water?

We want to help! You can reduce or eliminate your exposure to lead in tap water by investing in a home water filter like reverse osmosis. Our RO systems are designed to reduce or eliminate contaminants like lead so that your water is pure and safe for consumption by anyone and at any amount. 

We are proud to serve our community and those surrounding us with high quality drinking water. Check out our eco-friendly, effective and most efficient system on the market, wasting 75%-95% less water than other RO systems. Give us a call and let’s talk about how you can protect your home and the people you love by ensuring that lead in drinking water is no longer present or a threat.